27 Nov 2019

5 Ways to Improve your Retail Trade Show Stand Design

Designing a trade show stand that stands out should be one of the most important elements to your marketing and sales strategy when you are exhibiting at a retail trade fair. It is one of the main ways to get people to show initial interest in your brand leading to further sales. It doesn’t have to be an expensive task, but it does need to be prioritised and it shouldn’t be left until last minute. These tips will help you with your trade show stand design, if you are looking to create a stand to remember.

1. Use colour

Picking the perfect colour scheme is an essential part of your trade show stand design. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to have the brightest colours at the trade show, but it does mean that you need to use colours that will accentuate your products and catch the visitor’s eyes. If you are in the retail industry, why not use trending colours that will highlight you as a stylish brand? Make sure whatever colours you choose go well with your products, you’ll get a shock when you go to stock your stand and everything clashes.

Highlight your USP

There will be hundreds of your competitors at the trade show you are exhibiting at if it is one of the more relevant ones, so you need to let the visitors know that you are worth talking to. Get creative and highlight your USP in order to stand out. At Spring Fair 2019, a sustainable brand decided to build their stand out of recycled wooden pallets, so they weren’t wasting any materials (and it was super cheap to create). Another brand incorporated a Christmas train onto their stand to highlight their unique Christmas ranges.

trade show stands

Get interactive

Interactive stands can be very effective at retail trade shows. If you give the visitors something exciting to look at or do they are more likely to stick around. Demonstrations are particularly effective, they will not only get your visitors interested but they will help sell your product. At Autumn Fair 2019, one brand live painted to showcase their art and at another they cooked sausages to showcase their grills.

Use your products

Depending on the type of products you sell, you may be able to use your products as props to help with your stand design. For example, if you sell furniture why not set up a show room on your stand using your products? This will show your potential customers how your products will look in a real-life setting. If you sell greeting cards or pictures, why not decorate the walls with your products?

trade show stand design

Use images to your advantage

If your products aren’t appealing enough to decorate your stand by themselves, using images can be just as effective. The human brain processes images far faster than text so they will have an immediate effect on passers-by. If you’ve spent money on a stand, don’t waste the space you have by leaving it plain. People respond to images they can identify with and they are a great way to get a reaction from your potential customers.

Looking to exhibit at a UK retail trade show? Exhibit at Spring Fair this February, the biggest and most important home and gift trade show in the UK, to connect with retailers from all over the world.

Apply for Spring Fair Stand 


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