11 Jul 2019

7 Top Tips for Having a Successful Trade Show

Exhibiting at trade shows is a great way to expand your business, talk to existing customers, and connect with new ones. Wholesale trade shows are particularly important if you supply to retailers, because it gives them a chance to touch and see your products in person. While having a presence at a trade show (especially big ones) is the first step to expanding your customer base, there are a few tips for selling at trade shows that will help you succeed. 

1. Set Objectives

Setting your objectives is one of the most important things you can do before you get to the trade show. If you don’t have a good idea of what you are looking to achieve from the trade show, you won’t know how successful it was. Make note of everything you wish to get out of the trade show no matter how big or small. If it’s your first time exhibiting at one, you won’t have previous numbers to compare this show too but it’s a good starting point.

trade show

2. Social Media is Key

Social media is a really handy tool to market to consumers before and during trade shows. Follow any potential new customers, as well as existing ones if you don’t already, so they’re familiar with your brand. Use the trade show’s social media accounts to your advantage and engage with their posts. Their followers will be made up hugely of the visitors going to the show, so it’s an easy way to get noticed.

3 Email your Database

Email is another way to let your customers know you are going exhibiting at a trade show. Send out an email to your database before the show and invite them to visit your stand. If they’re in the industry and the trade show is big there’s a big chance they’ll be going anyway, so you don’t want to miss an opportunity to cement your relationship.

4. Prepare your Stand Staff

Your stand staff are the first point of contact at any trade shows. It’s vital they are well prepared and understand the brand and products back to front. Prepare a list of common questions and answers and get your stand staff to read over it. They are the face of your brand at the trade show, so use that to your advantage.

trade show NEC

5. Don’t Miss Marketing Opportunities

Most trade shows will promote the brands and exhibitors coming to the trade show in some way or another. If there’s a possibility to get your name out there, don’t miss it. Fill in everything you need to and on time. If there’s somewhere you can send photos to, be the first to do it. They might include you in their social, content or email campaigns.

6. Create an Experience

Nowadays, the best and most successful retailers create an experience for their customers. The same goes for stands at trade shows. Make your stand a destination that visitors won’t want to miss out on. If it’s appropriate use candles, technology, or creative designs to draw new visitors over. Brands have done it all at both Spring & Autumn Fair from product launches to complimentary prosecco or coffee to live art displays. Get creative and think outside the box!

Tips for Trade Shows

7. Follow up on Leads

Surprisingly, a lot of exhibitors don’t follow up on leads and instead wait for their stand visitors to email them. This is one of our top tips for selling at trade shows. Following up with the people that came to your stand is of the utmost importance. They may have visited hundreds of stands that day, so the chance they’ve forgotten your brands name or lost your contact details is somewhat likely. Perseverance is key to making a sale!

Looking to exhibit at a trade show? Autumn Fair, the golden quarters most important trade show for home and gift, is being held in the NEC this September. Apply for a stand here

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