14 Jun 2019

Benefits of Attending Trade Shows

If everything is so accessible on the internet, why is visiting trade shows still extremely popular? Trade events, especially wholesale trade shows, aren’t losing their edge for many reasons so we’ve rounded up the biggest benefits of attending trade shows. 


If the trade show you are looking to attend has a big reach and is in your industry, the networking possibilities will be endless. Everybody who is anybody will be there, so it is a great opportunity to connect with local and international people in your area of work. Meeting with like minded individuals and building your industry contacts can be invaluable in these fast paced times. 

Source Fresh Products

If you are attending a wholesale trade show, one of the reasons you are looking to attend is probably to source new products. While the internet is handy for researching product types and possible brands you want to build relationships with, nothing can replace being able to touch and feel the products in person. Trade shows are the ideal place to compare and look for the best quality products up close. 

benefits of attending trade shows

Face to Face Negotiations

A lot of exhibitors have buying incentives, and are more lenient with negotiating, at trade shows. If you have been thinking about purchasing from a brand for a while but are reserved about their prices, now is your chance to get the best deal that will suit both you and the supplier. Book in appointments to meet with exhibitors prior to the show to make the most of your time.

Get out of the Office

Another benefit to visiting trade shows, is that it gives you a chance to get out of the office and enjoy yourself.  Most trade shows can make for a great day out, and can act as a distraction from your usual day to day activities while simultaneously being good for business. 

Look for Trends

Trade shows are the ideal place to source current and upcoming trends. Wholesale trade shows are particularly in tune with what is set to be popular for the upcoming year. Take note of the products, colours, and textures that are continuously popping up as you walk around the show floor. For the first time, Autumn Fair will be full of trend fixtures and seminars designed with the sole purpose of inspiring our visitors and exhibitors.

trade shows

Learn Industry Skills and Insights

Trade shows, particularly big trade shows, are filled with opportunities to learn new industry skills and keep up to date with industry insights. They are a great place to keep up with latest trends and innovations. This year at Autumn Fair, there will be over 50 hours of seminars, talks, and workshops to keep our visitors and exhibitors up to date with everything retail.

Get a Feel for the Trade Show

If you want to exhibit at a trade show but aren’t sure how well suited your products or services are, visiting the show in advance of making a commitment will help reassure you. Get a feel for the types of brands and suppliers at the show and keep an eye out for your competitors, if they’re all there the chances are you will benefit from having a presence at the show.

Looking to visit a wholesale trade show? This September, Autumn Fair will be showcasing hundreds of brands most retail sectors, including home, gift, beauty, and toys. Get your free ticket here.

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