Meet your community: Emily Smith Designs 

Emily Smith is an artist and designer, producing high-quality British made homewares and accessories. Her unique designs capture the joy and character of life, inspired in part by the beautiful Devon countryside where she is based.  


1.        So, you are a business owner, wife of a dairy farmer, and mother of two! Tell us a bit about your passion for design and how your journey into homewares began.  

I've always had a passion for interiors and beautiful things. The journey into homewares wasn't intentional, it just sort of happened. After I made my first few paintings, I decided to start making products. Once I made one, I made another, and another. And that is how Emily Smith Designs was born. 


2.       You’re also stocked with a growing number of retailers, what has that journey been like getting your products into stores?  flamingo coaster colour emily smith designs

It has been really fun getting my products into stores. I'm a total extrovert, so I absolutely love being face to face with potential customers, especially at events like Autumn Fair. It hasn't been easy though, but it has been worth it to build such valuable and amazing connections in the industry. 


3.       How important is it to the brand to source and manufacture in the UK?  

This is absolutely essential to my brand's ethos. I'm very vocal about the importance of supporting local businesses on my social media. 


4.       What are you working at the moment, do we have any new quirky designs or collections to look forward to?  

I have been working on some really exciting projects for the future of Emily Smith Designs, so we will be revealing loads of new products as well as a new collection in the new year. 


5.       If you were to sum up Emily Smith Designs in three words, what would they be? 

Fun, Colourful, and Characterful! 


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