Exhibitor Videos
A short video of Caroline showcasing all of the lovely new pieces we have launced since January 2020. A wide range of pieces, including rough stones, coloured enamel, and some quirky bits too. Enjoy!
In time for Autumn Fair @Home, Simon gives a 5 minute tour of what we're about and some of our products. https://about.wraptious.com/trade.html
Simon discusses Wraptious and the benefit of attending Spring and Autumn Fair for his business and the artists they support.
Trade customers can use our Showroom Event to come and get 'Golden Quarter' ready with' ' Discounts across products you simply won't find online and some great bundle deals ' Complimentary Bed & Break ...
Topix - the game of rapid recall. Pick a topic tile and take a turn' It's a race against the clock to list as many things as you can that are related to your topic. But there's a cunning catch ' only ...
Tension is our top-selling board game! A riotous race to name ten examples to a given subject, Tension is suitable for both children and adults. 'Each year it's brought bang up to date with great new ...
Pop a ball into their mouths and give them a powerful belly-squeeze.. KAPOW! The soft foam ball shoots up to 6 metres! Safe firing fun for everyone! Age 4+